Call D’Hanis State Bank at (830) 426-3041 to report fraud on your D’Hanis State Bank accounts or if you have any questions.
Report Phishing
If you ever receive a suspicious email supposedly from D’Hanis State Bank, please forward it to D’Hanis State Bank at or or call the bank at (830) 426-3041.
Report Fraud
To report fraud on your D’Hanis State Bank account or if you have any questions, call D’Hanis State Bank at (830) 426-3041. Contact one of the three major credit bureaus to place a fraud alert on your credit report, as well as a victim's statement asking that creditors call you before opening new accounts or charging existing ones.
As required by law, that credit bureau will report the information to the other two bureaus for you. You should also:
- Contact creditors for any accounts that have been affected - Always follow up with a letter and keep copies of everything - Close affected accounts and assign passwords to new ones